Our Mission
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We make disciples and transform the world through: Small Groups, Missional Outreach, Mobile Meals, Holy Wholeness, Community Coffee Hour, Prayer Shawls, Quilt Group, and Collection for Missions.
If you are interested in participating in any of these wonderful ministries, please see the calendar page in the newsletter for where and when they meet.
Small Groups: Small groups are a great way to grow in your knowledge and love of God and strengthen relationships within the community of faith. We have home Bible Studies, Sunday School at the Lineville UMC, Sunday School at the Corydon UMC, Disciple Bible Study, United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women), Parish Wide Short-Term Studies, and the Men’s Breakfast.
Missional Outreach: Each month we prepare a grab and go meal for people in the area. We offer to pray with people and through this ministry we are made aware of needs in the communities. The Last Week Supper meals can be picked up at the church or delivered to homes on the last Wednesday of the month. Currently, we are preparing around 200 meals each month.
Mobile Meals: the churches and parish groups are very involved in our communities and take turns delivering mobile meals. Meals are delivered in Allerton, Corydon, and Lineville.
Holy Wholeness: We care about the health of the mind, body, and soul. Through the Holy Wholeness ministry, we are looking at ways to care for the whole person. Join Pastor Diane for yoga on Thursdays. Periodically we are scheduling activities that engage our mind through creating art.
Community Coffee Hour: God created us to be social creatures. The Millerton UMC noticed there was a need for a gathering space in the community so every Monday at 7:30 a.m. we host a coffee hour that is open to everyone.
Prayer Shawls: We give out prayer shawls to people in our communities who have lost loved ones and to those who are struggling with health issues. We gave out 84 prayer shawls in 2023 and over 326 for the total since this ministry began! Those who crochet the prayer shawls meet together on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at the Corydon United Methodist Church.
Quilt Group: Our quilt group serves as a way to build fellowship as people come together to cut fabric, sew, and quilt as well as a way to share the love of Jesus as we give the quilts to people in our communities.
Collection for Missions: We support a variety of missions by collecting food, educational supplies, and money. On the 1st Sunday of the month, we collect money for Aid & Assistance which helps county residents who cannot pay their bills. On the 4th Sunday of the month, we collect money and non-perishable items for the local food pantry. Throughout the summer and fall we collect educational items and hygiene items that are taken to Midwest Missions.
In 2023 our Aid & Assistance Fund helped people in Wayne County cover $14,139 in rent, utilities, gas for work/appointments, and medication.
For more information on getting involved in the missions and ministries of the parish feel free to contact the office and/or check out the monthly newsletter.